• Why Do People Journal?

    Have you heard people talk about journaling and wondered why they do it? Is there any benefit, or is it yet another thing to add to your already full day? How can it possibly help? I thought those same things! I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water with my job, family, and caregiving. I’m asking you to read on and consider if journaling might help you. I’m NOT asking you to do it or commit to anything; I’m just offering thoughts to ponder. If it’s something you want to try, great! If it’s not for you, that’s okay too. And for those avid journalers among us,…

  • 5 Stress Relievers

    Prioritize Take a good look at your To-Do List. On one sheet of paper, write items you MUST accomplish; on another, list things that would be nice to achieve. What I'm going to say next is hard to hear, but it's VERY IMPORTANT to reducing your stress levels. Are you ready? Throw away the second page. You don't need the pressure of having it on your To-Do List when it's not essential. When you have some free time, you can think about those things. If you can't bear throwing it away, put it in a drawer out of sight. (I understand.) Now look at the items on your smaller To-Do…

  • The Dr. said “Dementia”, Now What?

    Your doctor said those words and left you reeling. Perhaps he told you there is no cure, and it's terminal. Your mind is racing so much that it's hard to formulate all the questions. What now? Is there anything that will slow it down? Are there medications that will help with symptoms? What am I supposed to do? It's not contagious, right? (No.) And many more questions you haven't even considered yet. It's upsetting to be left with what seems to be so many missing pieces to the puzzle. I get it. I've been with family and friends when they received the diagnosis. It's never fun, and it's always upsetting.…

  • A Fun Interview?

    Betsy Wurzel Chatting with Betsy on Passionate World Talk Radio Being interviewed can be stressful. Being interviewed on live radio multiplies the nerves, usually. This was NOT the case in a recent interview I had with Betsy Wurtzel on her program #ChattingwithBetsy. Betsy speaks on Passionate World Talk Radio which broadcasts to 174 countries. She was, and still is a caregiver, just like me. We are both Christians and we both have a strong desire to help other caregivers so we connected right away. Here's the link to the live broadcast of Chatting with Betsy: https://bit.ly/3Anfwxi If you are a caregiver, I highly recommend you check out her show as…

  • Retirement Planning Simplified

    Retirement planning is an important task we all face if we are fortunate enough to live longer. Since I am NOT a tax expert or a Financial Planner, I will happily give you information from a company that knows all about it! The kind folks at Finance Strategists have put together a comprehensive breakdown of what can be a very confusing subject. They will explain different types of retirement plans, retirement investments, facts about pensions, profit sharing, and more. Take advantage of this FREE Information. Follow this link to de-mystify retirement planning options. https://learn.financestrategists.com/finance-terms/retirement-planning/ I hope it helps you have a more secure future!

  • Myths About Parkinson’s

    My Dad had Parkinson's disease. I had never been around anyone who had Parkinson's before dad. I knew next to nothing about it except the famous Parkinson's shake. As a result, I didn't handle everything perfectly. (I probably wouldn't have done it perfectly even with all the information in the world!) But, there are things I could have done better. All we can do is keep learning and applying our new knowledge for the benefit of others. To that end, I felt the need to write some Myth Busters about Parkinson's disease specifically. First, here's an old pic of my sweet Mom and Dad before the diagnosis. Myth #1 Since…

  • Rosalynn Carter had it Right!

    According to Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the US, there are only four kinds of people in the world: "those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers." As a decades-long champion for the rights of US caregivers, Carter knows what she is talking about. The number one greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimer's is AGE. We are now living longer, thereby increasing our risk of getting this dreaded disease. All is not doom and gloom though, there are things we can do to minimize our risk of developing dementia. Would you like to know a few ways to…

  • Join me on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

    Today at 1pm central time, I will be interviewed LIVE by Lori LaBey on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio. You can call in and have your questions answered live!   Debbie Compton: 3x Caregiver & Author of 9 Books (dementiamap.com)   If you miss the live show, you can still catch the replay. Hopefully, we will address any issues you may be having. I am a 3x caregiver of parents with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Vascular dementia. I’m a Certified Caregiving Consultant & Certified Caregiver Advocate, Alzheimer’s educator, Author of 9 books, and keynote Speaker. I know what the caregiver life is all about, regardless of the specific disease. I can coach you…

  • 10 Reasons You Should Be Coloring

    Did you wake up one morning and say to yourself, "I think I'd like to be a caregiver cause that sounds like fun!" Yeah, I didn't think so. Most of us became caregivers because our loved ones needed help. Not necessarily because we WANTED to, it typically was because they needed us to. If you have a different reason or situation, let me know. Regardless of how or why, here we are, caring for another human. We're all doing the best we can in a position few feel qualified to do. Many of us did or are still doing a pretty good job of raising our kids, but caregiving for…

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