Join me on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Today at 1pm central time, I will be interviewed LIVE by Lori LaBey on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio.

You can call in and have your questions answered live!


Debbie Compton: 3x Caregiver & Author of 9 Books (


If you miss the live show, you can still catch the replay.

Hopefully, we will address any issues you may be having.

I am a 3x caregiver of parents with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Vascular dementia. I’m a Certified Caregiving Consultant & Certified Caregiver Advocate, Alzheimer’s educator, Author of 9 books, and keynote Speaker. I know what the caregiver life is all about, regardless of the specific disease.

I can coach you to find solutions, navigate difficult conversations, locate help, & live a happier, less-stressful life. E-mail [email protected] for your private consultation today.

The initial visit is FREE! This way you can see what coaching is all about and if we're a good match.

E-mail me at [email protected] to schedule your time.


Listen to the show HERE

Have a blessed day!


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I am an author, speaker, caregiver, and Grammy. The latter is by far the most fun! Having been a primary caregiver 3x, I realized so many lessons were learned too late to benefit my Dad who passed of Parkinson's Disease. I resolved to write a book to make life easier and safer for other caregivers that would get them ideas, inspiration, and lessons learned. It's called "Caregiving: How To Hold On While Letting Go" available on Amazon. I am a Certified Caregiver Consultant and Advocate as well as a Community Educator for the Alzheimer's Assoc. and Founder of The PurpleVine LLC

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