SUP (Straight Up Positive) Interview
What an honor to be invited to speak on one of Teepa Snow's channels! If you don't know Teepa, check out some of her YouTube or TikTok training shorts. She has an amazing way of understanding the person living with dementia and conveying best practices to caregivers.
I got my certifications through Teepa's company, Positive Approach to Care. She is the authority in dementia training.
This was recorded a month after I received my first certification, Certified Caregiving Consultant. Rebekah Wilson was my mentor and also the host of SUP, (Straight Up Positive.)
My interview starts around 8:45

I have been on MANY other podcasts, radio shows, and summits since this early days one. A sampling of other interviews can be found on my Speaker page.
To read what clients are saying, scroll down on the speaker page.