• Showering when Dementia is present

    Dementia is a progressive condition that affects a person's memory, thinking, and ability to carry out everyday tasks. One of the challenges that people with dementia face is maintaining their personal hygiene. Taking a shower can be particularly challenging, as it involves multiple steps and can be overwhelming for someone with dementia. However, there are several tips that can make showering easier and more comfortable for someone with dementia and their caregiver. Establish a routine Establishing a routine can help someone with dementia feel more in control of their daily activities. Try to schedule showering at the same time every other day, and stick to a consistent routine. This can…

  • My Backstory

    My earliest memory is being on the phone with my mother as she told me I had a new baby sister. I was so excited! Mom said she would bring the baby home to meet me in time for my 2nd birthday in 3 days. I would grab a diaper, wipes, or burp cloth with extreme speed and accuracy. Mom could count on me to care for this tiny, often crying, sweet baby sister, who was so helpless. I was a secondary caregiver at 2 years old! A short 15 months later, it happened again! My mom was a baby-making machine! She had 4 kids in 5 years!!   This time…

  • 5 Stress Relievers

    Prioritize Take a good look at your To-Do List. On one sheet of paper, write items you MUST accomplish; on another, list things that would be nice to achieve. What I'm going to say next is hard to hear, but it's VERY IMPORTANT to reducing your stress levels. Are you ready? Throw away the second page. You don't need the pressure of having it on your To-Do List when it's not essential. When you have some free time, you can think about those things. If you can't bear throwing it away, put it in a drawer out of sight. (I understand.) Now look at the items on your smaller To-Do…

  • A Fun Interview?

    Betsy Wurzel Chatting with Betsy on Passionate World Talk Radio Being interviewed can be stressful. Being interviewed on live radio multiplies the nerves, usually. This was NOT the case in a recent interview I had with Betsy Wurtzel on her program #ChattingwithBetsy. Betsy speaks on Passionate World Talk Radio which broadcasts to 174 countries. She was, and still is a caregiver, just like me. We are both Christians and we both have a strong desire to help other caregivers so we connected right away. Here's the link to the live broadcast of Chatting with Betsy: https://bit.ly/3Anfwxi If you are a caregiver, I highly recommend you check out her show as…

  • 7 Ways to Reduce Stress during Quarantine

    1. Limit News Consumption Know the facts, but don’t overwatch the news and create more anxiety. 2. Practice Calming TechniquesWhether this is reading, watching your favorite TV show, or taking a bath, be sure to take time for yourself to relax.  3. Move Your Body Exercise is a great way to release tension in your body and take your mind off of things for a while.  4. Connect With Loved OnesSchedule a time to call, text, email, or video call a friend or family member.  5. Find Activities That Bring Joy Whether that’s listening to music or finishing a puzzle, find an activity that you enjoy. There are many online options for different activities,…

  • 10 Things to STOP Doing

    Today I’m suggesting 10 things you should STOP DOING as a caregiver of a loved one with some form of Dementia. (Notice I said “suggest”. The choice is yours.) 1) STOP THE GUILT TRAIN. Our guilt and sense of obligation can imprison us.

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