7 Ways to Reduce Stress during Quarantine
1. Limit News Consumption Know the |
2. Practice Calming Techniques Whether this is reading, watching your favorite TV show, or taking a bath, be sure to take time for yourself to relax. |
3. Move Your Body Exercise is a great way to release tension in your body and take your mind off of things for a while. |

4. Connect With Loved Ones Schedule a time to call, text, email, or video call a friend or family member. |
5. Find Activities That Bring Joy Whether that’s listening to music or finishing a puzzle, find an activity that you enjoy. There are many online options for different activities, such as visiting a museum online or listening to a virtual concert. |
6. Get Stuff Done Marking something off your to-do list or finally starting a hobby that you haven’t had time for in the past, will give you a sense of accomplishment and help take your mind off of other things. |
7. Find Ways to Laugh Whether that’s watching a funny movie or TV show, or calling a friend that always knows how to make you smile, find things that make you laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine, after all. |