8 Fun Ways to Keep Your Brain in Tip-Top Shape

A healthy body includes a healthy mind. To keep your brain running in tip-top shape, you need to take care of it. Here are some fun ways to do just that:

Listen to Something New

Podcasts and audiobooks both stimulate the mind and get you thinking about new things. With such an infinite variety of things to listen to, there’s always something available to get you thinking.

Write it Down

Blogging or journaling allows you to express yourself creatively while sharing your impressions of the world. Both can also help you in processing your day. Not a lot of time? Try keeping a bullet-point journal.

Here’s my favorite journal Write To Remember

Full disclosure: I created it. I filled it with the things I like best in a journal, so I’m sure you will like it! It has cream-colored pages to be easier on the eyes. It has lots of beautiful scenic pictures to get me thinking relaxing thoughts. I included bible verses for encouragement, comfort, and reassurance plus writing prompts for those days when I’m not sure what to write. It’s a fat little 6×9 book containing a whopping 347 pages.

Any journal will work, but I hope you give mine a try!

Go Somewhere

You don’t need a lot of time or money to get away. The point here is to go someplace new or do something you’ve never done before. Visit a local festival or a tourist trap. Drive to the next town over or to the next state. Wander. Explore roads you haven’t been down before. There’s a vast world waiting for you!

Visiting small towns and touring their quaint shops is a favorite of mine. I enjoy talking to shop owners while admiring their wares.


read books brain health

Diving into a book is always beneficial, regardless of the choice of reading matter. Grab a thriller or spicy romance or pick up a classic you’ve meant to read. Take it to the next level by joining a book club to discuss what you’ve read.

Online you might join Goodreads and review your favorite books as well as see recommendations by other readers. It’s free online.

See Some Friends

Time spent socializing hits your brain in numerous ways. Conversation stimulates cognitive function. The sense of fun and well-being you get from being around others brings up endorphin levels. Activities done together works on your problem-solving skills and gets you thinking creatively. It’s all good!

As I write this, we are practicing social distancing. That doesn’t mean we don’t get together. We are playing games via zoom. Get creative.

FaceTime, Instant Messenger, and HouseParty conversations allow you to see each other as you chat.

Try Something New


Take a class, pick up a new hobby, try something you’ve never tried before. Your brain loves new experiences! To get the extra benefit of exercise, try yoga, kickboxing, or any number of activities that get you up off the couch.

Explore Culture

Learn a new language. Cook something ethnic. Explore art, music, and culture in a variety of ways. Explore your heritage or learn something about someone else’s. Embrace the diversity the world has to offer.

Take a Break

In the end, don’t forget to rest. A tired mind cannot process well. Be sure to get adequate sleep so you can go out and try all these things over again tomorrow.

By adding a little fun in your day, you will be amazed to find out you’re thinking clearer and better than ever before. Imagine what it will be like to remember things and process new ideas with ease. Your best life truly does begin here.

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I am an author, speaker, caregiver, and Grammy. The latter is by far the most fun! Having been a primary caregiver 3x, I realized so many lessons were learned too late to benefit my Dad who passed of Parkinson's Disease. I resolved to write a book to make life easier and safer for other caregivers that would get them ideas, inspiration, and lessons learned. It's called "Caregiving: How To Hold On While Letting Go" available on Amazon. I am a Certified Caregiver Consultant and Advocate as well as a Community Educator for the Alzheimer's Assoc. and Founder of The PurpleVine LLC

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