• How to Stay Healthy as a Caregiver

    Caring for a loved one is a rewarding experience, but it can also be physically and emotionally demanding. While you’re focused on their well-being, it’s crucial not to neglect your own health. To prevent illness and caregiver burnout, follow these essential tips to reduce stress and maintain your physical and mental well-being. Brought to you by The Purple Vine, your trusted source for caregiver support. 1. Limit Caffeine and Sugar for Better Sleep As a caregiver, getting enough rest is vital. Lack of sleep can increase stress and weaken your immune system. To improve your sleep quality, limit caffeine and sugar intake, especially in the afternoon. Avoid these stimulants after…

  • Managing Large Gatherings: Dementia-Friendly Tips for Family Events

    Successfully navigating large gatherings with a loved one who has dementia requires thoughtful planning and preparation. While it can be challenging, there are steps we can take to make these visits less stressful and more enjoyable for everyone involved. I won’t sugarcoat it or pretend that I have it all figured out. Many of you have been following my journey long enough to know that’s just not the case. I try hard, but sometimes, I still make mistakes. Maybe you can relate? My mom has vascular dementia, which makes our large family gatherings particularly challenging. Despite this, I refuse to exclude her. I want her to be with family as…

  • Finding Time to Relax: Stress Relief and Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

    What goes through your mind when someone says "you just need to relax"? If you're like most caregivers, that suggestion might not calm you down. In fact, it might stress you out even more! While the sentiment is well-meaning, it’s often not helpful. We all know that stress is harmful, especially when it’s prolonged, and caregiving naturally comes with a lot of stress. But realistically, what can we do to unwind? We can’t simply run away from our responsibilities, nor can we ignore them and hope things will work out. So, what are some practical ways to find relaxation? Practical Tips to Help You Relax 1. Read a Book: Even…

  • 5 Stress Relievers Every Caregiver Should Know: Prioritize, Move, and Thrive

    Feeling overwhelmed by your endless to-do list? As a caregiver, managing stress is crucial for your well-being and the care you provide. Here are five practical strategies to help you reduce stress, prioritize tasks, and find moments of peace amidst your busy life. 1. Prioritize Your To-Do List Take a hard look at your to-do list and separate the essentials from the non-essentials. Create two lists: one for tasks that absolutely must be done, and another for things that would be nice to accomplish. Now, focus only on what’s essential. Break down your essential tasks into three categories: Top Priority (#1), Medium Priority (#2), and Low Priority (#3). Concentrate on…

  • 7 Ways to Reduce Stress during Quarantine

    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 18% of the American population struggles with some form of anxiety at any given time. Coping with anxiety can be complicated, especially since there’s no single treatment that works for everyone. So, let’s talk about 7 completely natural ways that you can calm your anxiety today. 1. Meditation & Deep Breathing Anxiety attacks and persistent anxiety typically come with the same few symptoms. You may notice that your heart rate is twice as fast as normal, that your blood pressure has skyrocketed, and that thoughts are racing through your mind at lightning speed. Meditation and deep breathing techniques can help…


    The world that we are living in today is anything but peaceful and predictable. It seems that every day there is some new tragedy or cause for fear that demands every ounce of our attention.    These incidences come from every direction and in all shapes and sizes. Whether a personal issue arises that completely disrupts your peace of mind but seems to only affect you personally or a global event transpires that uproots the happiness and joy of millions of people simultaneously, (ever hear of COVID–19?) our world can be a very uneasy place to exist.    With everything going on around you, maintaining a sense of security and…

  • 7 Ways to Reduce Stress during Quarantine

    1. Limit News Consumption Know the facts, but don’t overwatch the news and create more anxiety. 2. Practice Calming TechniquesWhether this is reading, watching your favorite TV show, or taking a bath, be sure to take time for yourself to relax.  3. Move Your Body Exercise is a great way to release tension in your body and take your mind off of things for a while.  4. Connect With Loved OnesSchedule a time to call, text, email, or video call a friend or family member.  5. Find Activities That Bring Joy Whether that’s listening to music or finishing a puzzle, find an activity that you enjoy. There are many online options for different activities,…

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