• Staying in My Home Through Retirement

    Some believe when we retire, we must move somewhere else. While that is true for many, it’s not true for everyone. Is there a way you can be safe, healthy, and happy while still living in your own home? For many, the answer is “yes”! There are many factors to consider and questions to be answered. Here are a few: How is your health? Do you require assistance performing daily tasks? This does not mean you have to move. It does mean you will need to do some research to see what’s available in your particular area. For example: what agencies are available to assist you? There are a variety…

  • How to Live well even on a fixed Income

    For many seniors, the promise of adequate retirement savings and Social Security benefits creates a false sense of financial security. You might think your fixed income means you are set, but when you consider that the cost of living has increased 14 percent in just a few years, you may start to worry. Rest assured, you can still enjoy your golden years with financial fine-tuning. Get a New Insurance Plan Your mind and body change as you age, meaning more doctor’s visits, check-ups, and prescriptions, but this also means an increase in health care expenses. To help you save some money in the long run, now might be the time…

  • 4 Places to live Happy & Healthy in Retirement

    Although you may not be at a place where you can predict what you will need to live happily and healthily in your golden years — thinking about these options now can help you make the right choice later. To avoid jumping into a decision you may ultimately regret, you have to take stock of your physical and mental health and your financial means. Figuring that out sounds a lot easier than it is, so here are a few ideas to help you decide which place will help make your retirement feel more meaningful and complete. Independent Living Facilities Many seniors enjoy spending time in communities with similar interests, ages,…

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