• Lessons from My Ivy Plant: Adapting and Thriving as a Caregiver

    Nature is full of lessons, but we often miss them because we’re too busy to stop and truly observe. Recently, while watering my indoor plants—a routine task I perform every Saturday—I took a moment to carefully observe my giant ivy (Golden Pothos). Although I’ve cared for this plant for nearly 20 years, it still taught me a valuable lesson about adaptability and growth. When my ivy grows across a flat surface or drapes down, its vines remain smooth. However, when it wants to grow upward without support, it adapts by growing tiny arms to latch onto anything nearby—whether it’s a wall, window blinds, or even a canvas painted by one…

  • A Fun and Insightful Interview with Betsy Wurzel on Chatting with Betsy

    Betsy Wurzel Chatting with Betsy on Passionate World Talk Radio A Fun Interview with Betsy Wurzel on Passionate World Talk Radio Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when they’re live on the radio. However, my recent interview with Betsy Wurzel on her show, Chatting with Betsy on Passionate World Talk Radio, was a completely different experience—fun, engaging, and incredibly rewarding. Connecting Through Caregiving Betsy and I immediately bonded over our shared experiences as caregivers and our Christian faith. Betsy has been in the caregiving trenches just like me, and her passion for helping others shines through every episode. Her show reaches audiences in 174 countries, making it a fantastic resource for…

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