Stop Overthinking things! (Here’s help.)

If you're a worrier who overthinks, it could be difficult for you to feel content because there's always that tendency to keep sweating the small stuff to arrive at perfection. When you don't know how to draw the line or say, "It's good enough," you may feel frustrated, and being frustrated robs you of enjoying the reward of contentment.


Worrying can cause you to miss out on many things. It can prevent you from forming new relationships, affect your work performance, and prevent you from attending fun social events.


Many people face this worrying problem, which has even been likened to a disease. When this worrying advances further and becomes overthinking and you give it complete control, it will bring anxiety, making everything worse. If you're an overthinker, you're likely to experience some signs, like constantly scrutinizing people's facial expressions and words, fluctuating emotions, waking up feeling worried, and difficulty falling asleep.


How to Stop Overthinking Everything

If you're an overthinker, you'll agree that life can be very tough with overthinking. Not only does it deprive you of joy, but it can also make you experience intense sadness. The worst of it all is that it can breed hatred in you. Even though you've been overthinking for years, you can quit it through focused practice. To let go of overthinking means that you're relaxing a bit more and taking a breath. Here are ways to start getting over it.


Decide That it's Time to Stop Overthinking.

The first step to stop overthinking is for you to be aware. That is the acknowledgment that you're a worrier and need to quit. Again, it's easier said than done. Especially as humans, we often find it difficult to admit that we have a problem, whether big or small. Nevertheless, to fuel your desire to make a change or stop overthinking, you must realize that it costs you something precious, and it's time to let go of it. A quick thing you can do is to pump the brakes whenever you find yourself getting deeply worried again.

Mountains and yellow flowers under an overcast sky.

See The World

You can still explore your community if you need more financial capacity to explore the world. There are many lovely places around your state that you may still need to explore. Research has proven that traveling can ease depression, stress, and anxiety. Aside from that, it can also provide you with a new perspective on life. With traveling, you enjoy less worry and more life satisfaction. Plus, you also give your brainpower the significant boost it needs.

Don't Believe Every Thought     

Your mind is a haven of thoughts, and one of the ways to quit overthinking is to stop believing all the lies it's telling you. If you overthink everything, it can be hard to choose not to believe everything. But if you truly desire freedom, you must start taking charge of your thoughts. Giving room for negative self-talk to thrive can pollute your mood and mess up your thinking. On the other hand, you can choose to see things differently and not give in to the compulsion to be fearful about something or overthink something.


Distract Yourself

Sometimes, we're our own biggest distractions. We are distracting ourselves with every shiny new object and hopping from thing to thing without completing anything. There's a coup going on in your mind with worries and thoughts trying to hijack your mind's power when you overthink things. A simple way to repel that is by engaging in something that engages your brain. For instance, instead of overthinking, you can speak to your best friend, read an article, do twenty pushups, or write in a journal. Before you know it, you'll realize that these thoughts have been pushed off.


Confuse your Senses

If you don't like distractions, how about some confusion? Relax, you're not confusing yourself; it's your "senses" you're shocking. The idea is to do something physical whenever you feel these mental activities of worrying and overthinking are starting to kick in. It works like this: You're to take the power from one area of your body to another. For instance, you can smell some calming lavender oils or take a cold shower whenever you feel fearful or uncertain about a forthcoming incident. The goal is for you to find whatever works for you.


Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Overthinking people have heard this statement more often, but it's time to move beyond just hearing it and start taking it to heart. Don't sweat the small stuff. In life, we cannot control everything, no matter how much we wish we could. Accept the things beyond your control and focus on the things you can control. You should also ask yourself why you tend to overthink everything, and with time and practice, keep working on yourself to learn to let some things go. You'll be able to quit fretting too much about different things when you start recognizing the things that are not within your control.


Go easy on Yourself

There's no need to hunt for perfection. No one is perfect, and you aren't either. Anxiety and overthinking have been linked to perfectionism, which means that you're likely to be struggling with anxiety and worry if you're pursuing perfection. Cut yourself some slack and let go of all the thoughts that have been plunging you into a deep state of worry and anxiety. When you understand that you're not perfect, extend this thinking to others, too, that they're not perfect. With your admittance and acceptance of imperfections, you'll realize that life can be easy.

woman in pink shirt holding white smartphone

Listen to Music

Music can offer good therapy to help you avoid worry and anxiety. Keep your favorite tunes on as you go about your day. Research has enumerated the psychological benefits and healing properties attributed to music. It helps boost your memory, reduces stress, and improves your concentration level. You can easily recognize overthinking habits when you use music to become more self-conscious. Music helps you worry less about everything and makes you more mindful. If you've also been looking for a nice distraction or mood lifter, the right music can do the trick.

I play 80's rock when I'm painting or doing strenuous work. It gives me energy. I listen to Gospel hymns when I need a mood lift or praise and worship music when I need to drive away depressing thoughts.

Be a little like Nike and "Just Do It." 🙂

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I am an author, speaker, caregiver, and Grammy. The latter is by far the most fun! Having been a primary caregiver 3x, I realized so many lessons were learned too late to benefit my Dad who passed of Parkinson's Disease. I resolved to write a book to make life easier and safer for other caregivers that would get them ideas, inspiration, and lessons learned. It's called "Caregiving: How To Hold On While Letting Go" available on Amazon. I am a Certified Caregiver Consultant and Advocate as well as a Community Educator for the Alzheimer's Assoc. and Founder of The PurpleVine LLC

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