Free Resources

Dementia or Normal Aging?

$5.00 value

There are nearly 16 million unpaid caregivers in America today and that number is expected to rise exponentially as the baby boomers age.
Recognizing the warning signs is crucial to an early diagnosis and thereby a higher quality of life. Learn what is normal and when you should see a physician to rule out other potential issues.
There is currently no cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Vascular Dementia, or the many other forms of dementia, except one form termed "Reversible Dementia." Reversible Dementia causes brain fog, confusion, and memory loss, but it can be cured! Details inside.
It's FREE, so why not educate yourself today? Your loved ones will be glad you did!

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Visual Imagery Audio

Sit down, relax your shoulders, close your eyes and listen to this FREE Visual Imagery session of the beach.

How can I help you?

Whether it's a church group, support group, library club, daily living center, nursing home, assisted living, or family night, I'd love to come out and encourage, share Alzheimer's and dementia information, and have a few laughs with you and your people!

Pick your time today to chat with me about personalizing information for your group.


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